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Thursday, May 27, 2010


:) Normal Smiley face
;) Winking smiley face
:( Sad face
;( Winking sad face (not quite sure why you would wink when you were sad, but just in case...)
:>) The "I have a big nose AND a big smile" face
=) "I'm on drugssssssssssssssssssssssss"
:/ Confusion
:// Super confused
:\\ Super angry
:[) Happy man with a handlebar mustache
:|) Happy Hitler (do not use this face when speaking with Jews!)
#) "I just got beat up" face
G) Happy gansta
-) Cyclops
) Blind man
(: Unnatural.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I just defied the universe. I went to the Google homepage and typed "Bing" into the search box. It took me straight to I then typed "google" into the Bing search box, and it took me to Google's homepage.
I feel like I accomplished a lot today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strikes, Unions, & Bananas

Strikes: You know what a strike is, you probably drive by a strike at least once a month. Usually the strikees congregate at a busy intersection that is near the business/corporation they are striking against and there about five or six people there, a few holding up signs, but for the most part everyone is standing around a large plastic banner that says "SHAME ON __________(insert business/corporation name here)".
It looks something like this.
I just wanted to point out to everyone that all of these banners look the same! Seriously, all labor strike banners are white, have "SHAME ON_______", and have "LABOR DISPUTE" written at a slight angle in the top corners of the banner. They all look the same! How do all unions have the exact same banners?!? The only explanation is that unions all have the same supplier of strike products and banners. I imagine that this supplier of unions is called "Union Wholesale Products Inc.". All unions get their banners from this company. Now, all you big business owners out there who are tired of being forced by labor unions to pay your workers fair wages and time off, listen up, I am about to give you the best business advice ever. Buy the company that supplies the unions! No strike supplies, no strike! Theres only one company you gotta take out, now the only problem is finding that company. But after that you're home free! You can do whatever you want to your workers and not have to worry about them going on strike.
Union bosses, I urge you to find a new supplier for your strike products, that or stock up the supplies now, so that when big business does take out "Union Wholesale Products Inc.", you'll have plenty of supplies to conduct your future strikes. Also, what if "Union Wholesale Products Inc." experiences a strike? That would put a hold on all other strikes in the country, because no banners or posters would be getting made! So many things can go wrong.... This is why the government steps in when a company begins to create a monopoly.

Unions: I was called into the counselors office at my high school one time, and my counselor asked me what my plans were for college and a career. Well, I already knew what I wanted to do with my life and exactly how to get there (Become a bum: drop out three days before graduation, then complain about it for the rest of my life to anyone who I meet in the train cars I ride across the country). Now, I knew that I had two options; I could either A) tell her exactly what I wanted to be, have the meeting end in five minutes, and then get sent back to class, which was math by the way, or I could B) Make something up and maybe get out of the rest of class, possibly even part of next class. I chose option B.
I told my counselor that I wanted to be a union boss when I grew up. Not just any union boss, I wanted to be the head of a sanitation workers union. Now, you may ask why I chose a union boss. Well, union bosses are awesome! They are pretty much legalized gangsters! They got big, muscled, tattooed body guards that follow them everywhere and will mess up anyone that annoys them. Not to mention, union bosses got some serious power. Especially if you are the head of a sanitation workers union. A sanitation workers union boss has an entire army of garbage men, janitors, and plumbers at his disposal. This union boss is easily the most powerful man in the city. Why is that you may ask? Well, picture this, the mayor runs over the union bosses prized beagle on accident one day. To avenge the untimely death of his prized beagle, the union boss can then call a strike. All janitors, plumbers, and garbage men stop working. Are you starting to get the picture now? Public restrooms are left unattended, houses begin backing up with sewage, and the streets soon become covered in trash. The union boss has the entire city in the palm of his hand! Really, he can get anything he wants from anyone in that situation! Tell me now if he is not the most powerful man in the city.....

Bananas: You may be asking yourself, "What do bananas have to do with strikes and union bosses?". Absolutely nothing. Bananas are just really good and I'm craving one right now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Number Two Reason for LOVIN livin at home

I opened the fridge today. You know what I saw? Food. Lots and lots of food. And you know what the best part of all this was? I knew that I could eat anything in the fridge. ANYTHING! In my old apartment, it seemed like all my room mates earned a lot more money than me, so they always had a lot more food than I did. Like, a lot. I would open the fridge and see sodas, milk, fruit, steaks, just tons of delicious food. And none of it was mine. When I was living on my own I always had four things in my fridge, and usually only these four things.
1) Eggs: Cheap and filling, and you can eat them for every meal
2) Cheese: Lots and lots of cheese. Cheese can turn plain eggs into a delightful treat, and a piece of bread into a meal. This was the staple of my diet.
3) Milk: Actually, I hardly ever had milk in my fridge. I am a lover of milk, so whenever I bought a gallon, it would be gone within three days, and there was no way I was about to walk two miles to get another gallon.
4) Ham: Once again, ham is one of those things that can turn a plain meal into something unique and somewhat bearable. I'm pretty sure I could write an entire book on ham recipes I made up this year.
Now, I always knew when I had to go grocery shopping when I opened up my fridge and these four things were nowhere to be found. Actually, one of the reasons I decided to move out this week was because I didn't have any food left. I opened up the fridge one day to see half a Gandolfo's sub sandwich, and a Red Bull was all I had left for that week, and you know that when half of your day's calorie intake is going to come from a Red Bull, you got a serious problem. So I quickly called my mom and asked if she could come pick me up that afternoon. She said yes, thank goodness.
If thats how I stocked my fridge, you may be wondering how I stocked my cupboard. Three words, Case Lot sale. 5 bucks for twelve cans of peaches, thats two meals right there! (Don't judge, I really like peaches). Case lot and chocolate muffin mix is pretty much what I lived off of: One dollar for a packet of mix that would make eight delicious muffins (actually, it was only supposed to make six, but I learned that if I added a bit of water to the mix, I got two more muffins!). And can I just say that I would not have survived college without peanut butter? My trusted PB went with me everywhere. I would just put it in my backpack every morning, so when I got really hungry and didn't have any food, I would just take a big scoop out with my finger.
Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Missi, if this is how you ate for months, you probably lost tons of weight!". Here's the funny part of the story. Uh, I didn't. Actually, yes I lost a lot of weight, but I think it was more muscle deterioration than fat loss. You see, I would eat BIG SCOOPS of peanut butter, and those muffins were actually calorie packed. Also, for some reason, peach canners feel the need to pour high fructose corn syrup into the cans with fruit, so after one can of peaches, you're looking at like 400 calories. Now if I ate six in one meal.... Yeah, you math whizzes out there can calculate that. And honestly, there are three reasons why I never had much money for grocery shopping in the first place; The Pie, Gandolfo's subs, and Coke products. We won't even get into the calories that those three things punch.
So, living at home, is in short, delicious. Wonderfully delicious. I think I'm going to go open up the fridge and just gaze at all the spectacular things that my mouth can have............ I'll probably gain weight just looking at it........... Oh well I'm over it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Started a Blog

Today I started a blog. And the first thing I did was post a bunch of notes I've written on Facebook that I felt were more appropriate for a blog. But there is a new edition, College Laundry. I started this blog so that I had a place that I could write stuff down, because lined paper is so last year. So read it if you want, if not, get off my blog.

College Laundry

I moved home from college for the summer today, actually just a few hours ago. I am already LOVIN IT! You may ask why... Why am I so happy that I am now under my parents supervision? Why am I so happy that I will now have to tell someone where I am going, and when I will be home? Why am I so happy that now someone can tell me "No Missi, don't do that, that is dangerous."? Well, because there are some serious perks to living with parents as awesome as mine, but I would like to talk about just one......
I am SO FLIPPIN' HAPPY that I can do laundry whenever I want!
College Laundry compared to Parents House Laundry: I have to walk a half mile to the nearest gas station every time I want to do laundry because the laundry room in my apartment building doesn't have a change machine. So I walk to that gas station, with a five dollar bill, and get five dollars worth of quarters so I can do my laundry. Can I just say that I think it is wrong to pay five dollars to do your own laundry? If I'm paying five dollars for some clean clothes, I expect someone else to do it for me. Just saying.... Now that I'm home, its free for me to do my laundry! No more walking to the gas station to get a few quarters, I just gotta walk up my stairs to the laundry room! Although I guarantee that by the end of the summer that walk is going to seem very long.....
In college, money is not power, money is life, so you skimp wherever possible to just save yourself a few dimes. Laundry a great place to skimp, so if I didn't absolutely have to do my laundry, I didn't. Basically, what dictated my laundry schedule was my underwear and sock situation. If I didn't have any clean underwear and socks left, I knew it was time to do laundry. It didn't matter if I had worn all of my shirts four or five times, or how dirty my pants were, I could just spray a little body spray on them and make them smell nice, and I was presentable. You can't do that with socks and underwear, you just gotta wash those ones. So, when my underwear ran out, I would make that long trek up to the gas station, pay my five dollars, and then begin my laundry. Now that I'm home, I can wash those dirty shirts and jeans after a single use! Life is good.....
The second most expensive part of laundry is the detergent. Its ridiculous how much people can charge you for soap now-a-days. Being hygienic should never have to hurt your wallet! So, to save money on soap, I would only pour enough detergent into the cup so that it would hit about halfway between the bottom and the lowest line. You may think that this means that my clothes were never adequately clean, but I got three words for you "Tide-to-Go". Clean clothes wherever you go! Since I'm at home now, I can fill that little cup up to the brim! We all know my clothes could certainly use that sort of deep cleaning.
So that is how I save on the wash cycle; Wash only when necessary and use as little soap as physically possible. But then the drying cycle! The drying cycle costs me over half my quarters! First of all, the dryers are never as big as the washer, and second of all, they suck. Usually it takes two or three uses on the same dryer to get half your wash load adequately dry! So, after you wash your clothes, they are soaking wet and you have no choice but to dry them. My solution to this problem is simple. Hang dry my clothes. I'll just put half my clothes in the dryer, and the other half I hang up all over my apartment, and when I say all over my apartment, I mean all over the apartment. The closet, bed post, dresser, desk drawers, my pull up bar, I have even had to tie extension cords across the room and hang my clothes from there. This turns my apartment into a jungle, a jungle filled with random socks, underwear, and t-shirts. Sorta like something you would see in the jungle on the TV show Lost. Here at home, the dryer may even be a little bigger than the washer! And its great! One cycle and my clothes are dry! Did I mention its free for me too? Thats great. No more desperate hang drying.
This complicated and arduous process usually takes me about three hours. Twenty-four if you count the amount of time it takes for clothes to hang dry. This summer, laundry will be great though. It will still take me about three hours, but it will be a very simple, and cost-free three hours. Put in the soap, put in the clothes, put the clothes in the dryer.... Simple. No steps that include inserting quarters.

Top ten reasons for me to go to BYU

So I've thought long and hard about this you guys... And I came up with ten really good reasons for me to go to BYU. Tell me what you think, and if I should transfer cuz I'm sorta torn....

Top ten reasons to go to BYU!
1. I'll never have to worry about embarrassing tan lines, I can't show any of my skin anyway.
2. Few Distractions, its in Provo. Do i need to elaborate? (Never been to Provo? Theres a reason.) All I'll ever want to do is study!!! Say hello to college success
3. Even fewer distractions, the fact that all members of the opposite gender have to be out of my room by midnight. More college success!
4. I'll never have to worry about beard burn because A) facial hair is not allowed and B) see number three
5.Football, BYU's football program is great! It focuses more on developing high moral standards than acual football skills. Sometimes it shows on the scoreboard but... Minor detail. I'm sure I'll get over it.
6. BYU has the second largest library in the state of Utah!!!
7. The fact that I can say "I bleed blue!", even though that is a serious medical problem, probably happens when theres not enough blood going to the brain and heart....
8. The Stadium of Fire is awesome!!!! I mean, huge celebrities come to BYU every year to perform in it, people like Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. Can you say high class?
9. My fiance and I will never have to go far to shop for wedding ring, we'll just need to go to the Wilkinson center and check out "the board", hopefully the whole engagement thing will actually work for us.
10. I think that I will become more humble if I went to BYU, I would have to get used to the fact that I'm not perfect.

So I think that we should take a vote.


So I took a math test today, so i'm just on a math high. I was just thinking of some good things you can combine to make great and amazing things!!!!

Disneyland and jamba juice are the two happiest places on earth. This is a proven fact. Now if you were to put a Jamba Juice IN Disneyland... Well then... everyone in that jamba juice would be instantly translated to heaven.
Jamba Juice + Disneyland = Heaven

Chocolate is the finest of the flavors. Banana is the crazy cousin to chocolate. Together, they do great things. Especially in ice cream form....
Chocolate+Banana= MS!!!!!

Jamie is deathly afraid of pennies. So what better way to spend my night than cover our floor with them while she's asleep?
Jamie + Me + Julie + Alexis + Arlin + 1:00am + over 700 pennies= "Not cool guys, not cool"

So me and erik were talking the other day about all our great qualities, like athleticism, strength, brains, sense of humor, incredibly good looks, and humility (just to name a few). We came to the conclusion, that if we ever had kids together, they would be super human. It would be completely unfair to all the mere mortals. The world isn't ready for that.
My good qualities+ Erik's good qualities = Super amazing kids and the cure to cancer

I really think that they should sing Taylor Swift songs for ward choir. Seriously, I would TOTALLY be there EVERY SUNDAY if we sang some t-swift. And that would seriously invite the spirit... singing about love. "Its a love story baby just say yes" can totally be applied to the gospel.
Taylor Swift + Ward Choir = good idea

Also, I was thinking that taylor swift has had SO many bad relationships (like twenty nine just played on the radio!) that maybe i should get my heart broken by as many boys as possible, and then I would have a way good singing voice too!
Missi + 29 heartbreaking relationships = good singing voice

I wish my phone number was 726-2253 because then my phone number would spell PANCAKE. The lucky person out there that has that number... count your blessings. and I really hope you like pancakes, because if you don't than that phone number is totally wasted on you!!!
perfect phone number + Me = Awesomeness

I was just thinking about the hulk, because I do that sometimes you know, and I realized that all of his clothes rip off but his purple pants. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY glad his pants stay on. But I was just thinking, he must get one CRAZY wedgie. How can you save the world with a wedgie like that? I can barely walk two steps with a wedgie and this guy takes out a whole division of tanks with the mother of all wedgies!!!! I believe that that is a super power in and of itself.
Hulk + Wedgie = Superpower

Just something absolutely delicious i discovered while i was starving in my dorm room. When you combine white bread, jam, peanut butter, and honey, you get a CRAZY sugar rush. Wow, its intense. I could stay up all night studying on that one.
White bread + Jam + Peanut Butter + Honey = all nighter (Also, an additional three pounds of body weight)

Coffee is terrible. Its gross. Never drink it. When you see something labeled as hot chocolate, but smells a little funny NEVER just decide to give it a little sip. Thats the worse tasting little sip you will ever have.
Coffee + Mouth = wo,mcnvaiowu45798qhfkjdshf8a7we4kjhdft7823vrhkjhf 8a7we rjk
Yeah..... that bad.

Yeah... I'm just that good at math.

It's a really weird world, you ever noticed?

I was watching TV the other day, and an advertisement came on encouraging kids to read. I have never seen an advertisement in a book encouraging kids to watch TV........

Why do the signs at stores and restaurants just say "No shirt, no shoes, no service"? Really, they would rather have you wear shoes than wear pants? I think they have their priorities mixed up.

The fact that I'm willing to pay 1.50 for a bottle of water. Every. Day. I could just buy a water bottle and fill it up every time I finished drinking it. But I don't.

The fact that "Bottle Water" And "Water Bottle" mean two completely different things

I tried to throw away a piece of scotch tape the other day, and it just didn't work. Seriously, after twenty minutes of it going from, one finger, to the other I finally just gave up and stuck it on my desk. Its still there.

Raisins are just humiliated grapes.

Why do they have those street signs that have a child on a teeter toter to symbolize there is a park on the road? Because I'm pretty sure I could figure that out on my own. Waste of government funds.

I also find it very interesting that there are always road signs saying "Reduced Speed Ahead" but they don't make signs that say "Increased Speed Ahead".

Refrigerators are weird. Don't believe me? think about it.

Why do people look in the tissue after they blow their nose? What are you expecting to find in there? A leprechaun? Because I don't know about you, but I usually know WHY I'm blowing my nose and WHAT's coming out of it. Usually doesn't change for me.........

I hang out with people who wear their hair down everyday. I've never seen it any different. So why do you think its weird that I wear my hair up everyday?

All right I'm thirsty now, I've gotta grab my wallet and go buy a bottle of water. Then I'll put it in my fridge.

If women ruled the world....

If women ruled the word...

We would never get into wars.
Actually, we would, but they would be predictable. They would occur once a month and last 5 to 7 days. Mostly, these wars would consist of slapping and name calling.

The economy would be based on shoes.
Whichever country had the most shoes would be the most powerful. After all, the more shoes you have, the more you can accessorize, the more you accessorize, the better you look, the better look, the more attention you get, the more attention you get... Well, thats just GOOD!

No nuclear weapons.
I promise you that. Why would we ever develop nuclear weapons when we have things to cure like cancer, austism, and monthly cramps!

Thanksgiving would be delicious.
Chocolate fountains galore! Chocolate covered everything! Forget the dry turkey! I'mm talking light salads and delicious desserts! Oh, also, mashed potatoes. Lots and lots and lots of mashed potatoes. Maybe even chocolate gravy......

Mothering would be a profession.
Well, this ones a little obvious. But seriously, every child you had would earn you a small fortune and lets just say, that if you had more than ten, you would pretty much be a CEO.

Life would be like a soap opera.
Isn't that what most people want anyway? There life to be as dramatic as physically possible? Well, if women ruled the world, trust, me, this place would be VERY dramatic.

It would be completely okay for women to be overweight.
Being overweight would be attractive! No one would have to be deathly skinny! Not even the men. The men would have to be very ripped to be attractive though. They would have to starve themselves of all of life's delicious treats, spend hours a day trying to keep themselves looking good, and constantly have to check themselves out in a mirror to make sure they are skinny and toned enough to get a date that weekend.

These are just a few of the ways this world would be different. Really, the world would be completely OPPOSITE of what it is now... thats sorta hard to picture.

A Few Strange Things That Have Happened to Me Since I Began College

My first week of college, there were a lot of dances. The first one i went to was quite the learning experience. At one point during the night I was out in middle of the floor, doing my thing, when I thought to myself "Missi, now would be a really good time to pop, lock, and drop". So I go for it. I learned two things that night.
1) I can drop it like a black lady.
2) Popin, lockin, and droppin in high school is sorta like saying "Yeah, look at me, trying to be a cool". In college it means "Hello boys, here I am, come get me".
Before I knew it I was surrounded by three boys, trying to dirty dance with me. At this young stage of my life, I had no idea how to dirty dance. So what did i do? Well, pretty much I looked like an idiot. Imagine a stick trying to shimmy, thats sorta what I looked like. Seeing the confused, and slightly disappointed looks on the boys faces, I finally just stopped, threw up my arms and said, "I don't know how to dance like that!" They rolled their eyes and turned around to find someone else to dance with. Yeah, it was weird.... Slightly embarrassing.... But very necessary.

I ate breakfast with the UN one morning.
Well, not the real UN, but pretty much I did. I sat down and started eating with this kid I knew from Somalia, then some of his friends sat down, and before I knew it there were twelve different kids sitting at our table, and we were all from different countries. Pretty sweet eh?

I discovered My life is Average. Thats not really strange, but its pretty cool.

Riding TRAX is always an adventure, and I would like to share my second strangest "TRAX" experience with you. I was standing around at Gallivan plaza (SKeT-chY), and I look to my left and see this native american hobo looking guy swaggering up to me (or maybe staggering?). He comes up to me and says/slurs "You look like an athlete." (Wow, can you say happy hour? Seriously, the guy was rank).
"I can tell you're an athlete. You remind me of a Navajo"
"Uhh....." ("Is this really happening?"
"You're a wolf" Then the guy grabs my hand.
"Uhh....." ("Yeah, this is really happening")
"Be strong. Like a wolf. You, you are a warrior. Warriors need to be like a wolf, strong. Be like the wolf, be like a navajo, like a wolf. The navajo are strong, like a wolf. Stay strong. Navajo Pride!"
And then he just walks off like nothin had happened.
"Uhh...." ("Navajo Pride!")

I was walking down the hall of the AFROTC building when I hear "Patterson!" My commander was calling me into his office.
"Yes sir?"
"Come in here! How are you?"
"Outstanding sir, and you?"
"Pretty good, can't complain. So how's life?"
After we talk for about five minutes I ask
"Will that be all sir?"
"Yeah, have a good day."
"You too sir."
Then, as an after thought, he turns and asks me, "Where you off to so quick?"
"The bathroom sir."
(odd pause.....)
"Oh... well... go ahead."
"Thank you sir."
It was awkward.......
I had been carrying on this conversation for five minutes trying not too let the three water bottles worth of liquids sitting in my bladder force me to fidget around.

There are four kids in my Turkish class (can you say "Individual attention/humiliation?"). One day, after the first week of class, I was walking home. Its a night class, so it was pretty dark outside. about five minutes into my walk I hear "Missi!". I turn around and a girl from my Turkish class was walking behind me.
Missi: "Oh, hey Penelope" (names have been changed to protect the innocent)
Penelope: "Hey, sorry, I've been walking behind you the whole time and I didn't want you to think I was a stalker" ("I just thought it was awkward walking behind you since I sorta know you")
M: "Oh, ha ha. Cool" ("Thats weird")
We start to walk together.
P: "So, uhh you live this way?"
M: "Yeah, I've got a little apartment off of 100 S." ("No, I'm just walking out here in freezing temperatures at night for FUN!")
P: "Oh cool, I live off of 200." ("Penelope, this was a terrible idea")
M: "Nice, uh... you got an apartment?" ("Duh, you idiot, really? Of course she has an apartment")
P: "No."
"I'm renting a house with a few other girls."
M: "Well thats cool...."
At this point we have both realized this conversation was a terrible idea and just needs to end.
P: "Yeah........ We're looking for another roommate right now." ("Oh snap I hope she doesn't take that as an invitation, I was just trying to make a conversation!")
M: "Oh...." ("This is the longest walk ever!")
P: "Uh.... This is my turn." ("Hallelujah!")
M: "Okay, see you next class, have a safe walk" ("Run, Missi, run away. Now!")
P: "Yeah see you too." ("Not if I see you first ya weirdie")
Yeah, that was a really awkward first conversation. You know what the worst part is? We have both taken steps to avoid crossing paths again. Because a repeat of this conversation would just be... Bad.....

I was showering one day last week (yeah, thats right, just ONE day) and I looked up to see that my shower caddy was about to fall on me. With cat like reflexes, I reach up to catch the caddy before it falls on me. Unfortunately, my thumb caught on my shower head and was cut open, so blood began to pour out of my hand. Well, this is an strange situation. I'm standing naked, soaking wet, covered in soap, half clean, with blood running out of my thumb. And then my shower caddy falls on me (FML??) I decided that the first thing I needed to do was to stop the bleeding. I turn off the water, and then start to climb out of the shower. Well, I'm soaking wet, I slip and fall back into the shower. Blood continues to pour from my hand. I right myself, and carefully climb out of the shower. Then, soap gets in my eyes, and I reach up to try and dispel the burning sensation. Well, blood is still pouring from my hand, so I get blood all over my face. I finally manage to get the soap out of my eye and wrap myself in my towel. I then decide to go out to the hall closet and grab a band-aid. Yeah, I'm not sure what I thought a band-aid was going to do in this situation..... As soon as I open the hall closet and notice I'm still dripping with water and blood is still pouring from my hand, I realize that a band-aid just isn't going to work. So I go back into the bathroom, and use my towel to stop the blood that is pouring from my hand. It was definitely one of the worst showers of my life, I wasn't even able to finish it. Pretty sure I just went to class that day half covered in soap and still wet. But blood wasn't pouring from my and anymore, so it was all good.

I seriously froze my butt off. That is a strange sensation, freezing your butt off. I went snow caving with a bunch of people this past week, and I was one of the only girls. Well, at about 11:30 at night I had to go to the bathroom. So I trek 200 yards through waist deep snow drifts, behind some pine trees. Well, it was about 9 degrees outside, and I had about three water bottles worth of liquid inside of me. I FROZE. I couldn't feel my butt for an hour after that, and I'm pretty sure I even got some frost bite. It was terrible.

Yeah, so those are some of the strange things that have happened to me these last few months.

A University of Utah LDS student's typical encounter with a BYU student.

When wearing U of U apparel: After you introduce yourself to the BYU student
(the Ute has to initiate the greeting, there's no way the BYU student will willingly approach a U student), the Cougar will notice your t-shirt, and the U of U student can see the BYU's brow furrow, just a bit, or their eyes will widen. Then, the Ute will be able to SEE the Cougar's mind begin to race, immediately calculating the risk of talking to you
("Do they actually go to the U? Maybe its just their grandpa's shirt or something or something.... What if they ACTUALLY go there? Will they swear or use crude words? Will they make fun of me for having my shirt tucked in? Will they offer me ALCHOHOL!?!?!?!?!?)
After a few sentences they'll finally ask you, "So............... You go..... To... The........ U?" Which you calmly reply,
A bead of sweat will run down their face. That or they will suddenly turn very arrogant and begin quoting meaningless football stats to you and explain why their football program makes them the most amazing college in the WORLD! If the latter happens, the U of U student will usually look at the BYU student incredulously, turn around, and begin to laugh
(U students, you know what you're laughing at).
If, by some miracle, the BYU student does not begin to quote random statistics back from 1984, then a very very hesitant conversation will ensue
(Its against the honor code to become friends with anyone outside of BYU, so they can't actually enjoy the conversation)*.
Just to be polite, and to keep the BYU student from hyperventilating due to anxiety, the next thing the UofU student will say will be something to reassure the BYU student that they are LDS
(Usually the Ute will say something along the lines of "Well, my brother is on his mission right now... Where did you serve yours?" or "How many wards are down there, cuz I feel there are a TON in Salt Lake" or "Dude, stop freaking out, I'm LDS")
After the BYU student is reassured that the UofU student is LDS, they will loosen up a bit. That is, until they realize that since you go to the University of Utah, you could not possibly be as smart as them! (After all, lets face it, getting a 4.0 at BYU is SOOOO much harder than getting a4.0 at any other university/college in the country. And the evidence that supports this is...... is....... uh........ Hmmm, lets just leave that part blank)
So, the BYU student will start to talk slower and use smaller words. Of course, the BYU student is still not completely at ease, because they are still talking to a UofU student. Theres no guarantee that this Ute chooses to adhere to LDS standards. I mean, there is NOT a whole army of return missionaries, temple recommend holders, and active church members to constantly keep an eye on this UofU "LDS" student and make sure they are upholding their standards. All that this stupid little University of Utah student has to keep them strong in the gospel is their own testimony,personal prayer, scripture study, and attendance of church meetings! None of these things is constantly monitored by the YSA wards and religion classes, like at BYU. How can you actually trust this UofU student?
Finally, the BYU student cannot stand it any longer, they have been speaking with this Ute for almost twenty seconds now, before they get any further into the conversation, the Cougar HAS to ask....."So... Hows the institute up there?".
(Trust me BYU, we know what you're really asking when you ask about our institute. What you're really saying is "I don't believe that you're a good person. So I'm asking you about your institute to see if you actually go, how many classes you are taking, how many students are enrolled to see if you are surrounded by positive influences, and how many pages of scriptures you are required to read a week".) At this point, I find that the conversation needs to end, now, because I'm not about to give the BYU student the answer they want to hear
("Its great! I love it! I like all the people I meet there, its so great to get away from the world and classes and just be able to feel the spirit.")
Although this is the true answer, I don't say this one. And I find that there are many other UofU students who don't say this for the same reason that I don't. I choose not to answer this question directly because although I love institute and know that its great, I also love my other classes, they are also great. I also like students that I have met outside of institute
(yes, thats right, GASP! non-LDS students included).
To give the BYU students the impression that the only place to meet good people at college is within the walls of a dedicated building is ridiculous. Seriously. 95% of the amazing people that I have met I met outside of church activities, off of church dedicated property, and a good portion are not LDS.( Get over it, good people are everywhere. Time to understand that BYU.)**
After this the U student, brushing aside this question, will decide that its time to walk away from the conversation. The BYU student will only delve deeper into the U students spirituality if they continue, and the U student will not allow their spirituality to be judged by a Cougar, we like to leave that up to our stake presidents and bishops....
And so, as awkwardly as it begun, the conversation ends.... and the students part ways. The BYU student will get some green jell-o, and the U student will grab a coke.

(* There are definitely a FEW students who ignore this portion of the code of conduct. All in all, I have met two, MAYBE three).
(** I am also sure that there are a few BYU students who understand this fact, but the majority have either forgotten this fact or never learned)