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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

College Laundry

I moved home from college for the summer today, actually just a few hours ago. I am already LOVIN IT! You may ask why... Why am I so happy that I am now under my parents supervision? Why am I so happy that I will now have to tell someone where I am going, and when I will be home? Why am I so happy that now someone can tell me "No Missi, don't do that, that is dangerous."? Well, because there are some serious perks to living with parents as awesome as mine, but I would like to talk about just one......
I am SO FLIPPIN' HAPPY that I can do laundry whenever I want!
College Laundry compared to Parents House Laundry: I have to walk a half mile to the nearest gas station every time I want to do laundry because the laundry room in my apartment building doesn't have a change machine. So I walk to that gas station, with a five dollar bill, and get five dollars worth of quarters so I can do my laundry. Can I just say that I think it is wrong to pay five dollars to do your own laundry? If I'm paying five dollars for some clean clothes, I expect someone else to do it for me. Just saying.... Now that I'm home, its free for me to do my laundry! No more walking to the gas station to get a few quarters, I just gotta walk up my stairs to the laundry room! Although I guarantee that by the end of the summer that walk is going to seem very long.....
In college, money is not power, money is life, so you skimp wherever possible to just save yourself a few dimes. Laundry a great place to skimp, so if I didn't absolutely have to do my laundry, I didn't. Basically, what dictated my laundry schedule was my underwear and sock situation. If I didn't have any clean underwear and socks left, I knew it was time to do laundry. It didn't matter if I had worn all of my shirts four or five times, or how dirty my pants were, I could just spray a little body spray on them and make them smell nice, and I was presentable. You can't do that with socks and underwear, you just gotta wash those ones. So, when my underwear ran out, I would make that long trek up to the gas station, pay my five dollars, and then begin my laundry. Now that I'm home, I can wash those dirty shirts and jeans after a single use! Life is good.....
The second most expensive part of laundry is the detergent. Its ridiculous how much people can charge you for soap now-a-days. Being hygienic should never have to hurt your wallet! So, to save money on soap, I would only pour enough detergent into the cup so that it would hit about halfway between the bottom and the lowest line. You may think that this means that my clothes were never adequately clean, but I got three words for you "Tide-to-Go". Clean clothes wherever you go! Since I'm at home now, I can fill that little cup up to the brim! We all know my clothes could certainly use that sort of deep cleaning.
So that is how I save on the wash cycle; Wash only when necessary and use as little soap as physically possible. But then the drying cycle! The drying cycle costs me over half my quarters! First of all, the dryers are never as big as the washer, and second of all, they suck. Usually it takes two or three uses on the same dryer to get half your wash load adequately dry! So, after you wash your clothes, they are soaking wet and you have no choice but to dry them. My solution to this problem is simple. Hang dry my clothes. I'll just put half my clothes in the dryer, and the other half I hang up all over my apartment, and when I say all over my apartment, I mean all over the apartment. The closet, bed post, dresser, desk drawers, my pull up bar, I have even had to tie extension cords across the room and hang my clothes from there. This turns my apartment into a jungle, a jungle filled with random socks, underwear, and t-shirts. Sorta like something you would see in the jungle on the TV show Lost. Here at home, the dryer may even be a little bigger than the washer! And its great! One cycle and my clothes are dry! Did I mention its free for me too? Thats great. No more desperate hang drying.
This complicated and arduous process usually takes me about three hours. Twenty-four if you count the amount of time it takes for clothes to hang dry. This summer, laundry will be great though. It will still take me about three hours, but it will be a very simple, and cost-free three hours. Put in the soap, put in the clothes, put the clothes in the dryer.... Simple. No steps that include inserting quarters.

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