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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Number Two Reason for LOVIN livin at home

I opened the fridge today. You know what I saw? Food. Lots and lots of food. And you know what the best part of all this was? I knew that I could eat anything in the fridge. ANYTHING! In my old apartment, it seemed like all my room mates earned a lot more money than me, so they always had a lot more food than I did. Like, a lot. I would open the fridge and see sodas, milk, fruit, steaks, just tons of delicious food. And none of it was mine. When I was living on my own I always had four things in my fridge, and usually only these four things.
1) Eggs: Cheap and filling, and you can eat them for every meal
2) Cheese: Lots and lots of cheese. Cheese can turn plain eggs into a delightful treat, and a piece of bread into a meal. This was the staple of my diet.
3) Milk: Actually, I hardly ever had milk in my fridge. I am a lover of milk, so whenever I bought a gallon, it would be gone within three days, and there was no way I was about to walk two miles to get another gallon.
4) Ham: Once again, ham is one of those things that can turn a plain meal into something unique and somewhat bearable. I'm pretty sure I could write an entire book on ham recipes I made up this year.
Now, I always knew when I had to go grocery shopping when I opened up my fridge and these four things were nowhere to be found. Actually, one of the reasons I decided to move out this week was because I didn't have any food left. I opened up the fridge one day to see half a Gandolfo's sub sandwich, and a Red Bull was all I had left for that week, and you know that when half of your day's calorie intake is going to come from a Red Bull, you got a serious problem. So I quickly called my mom and asked if she could come pick me up that afternoon. She said yes, thank goodness.
If thats how I stocked my fridge, you may be wondering how I stocked my cupboard. Three words, Case Lot sale. 5 bucks for twelve cans of peaches, thats two meals right there! (Don't judge, I really like peaches). Case lot and chocolate muffin mix is pretty much what I lived off of: One dollar for a packet of mix that would make eight delicious muffins (actually, it was only supposed to make six, but I learned that if I added a bit of water to the mix, I got two more muffins!). And can I just say that I would not have survived college without peanut butter? My trusted PB went with me everywhere. I would just put it in my backpack every morning, so when I got really hungry and didn't have any food, I would just take a big scoop out with my finger.
Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Missi, if this is how you ate for months, you probably lost tons of weight!". Here's the funny part of the story. Uh, I didn't. Actually, yes I lost a lot of weight, but I think it was more muscle deterioration than fat loss. You see, I would eat BIG SCOOPS of peanut butter, and those muffins were actually calorie packed. Also, for some reason, peach canners feel the need to pour high fructose corn syrup into the cans with fruit, so after one can of peaches, you're looking at like 400 calories. Now if I ate six in one meal.... Yeah, you math whizzes out there can calculate that. And honestly, there are three reasons why I never had much money for grocery shopping in the first place; The Pie, Gandolfo's subs, and Coke products. We won't even get into the calories that those three things punch.
So, living at home, is in short, delicious. Wonderfully delicious. I think I'm going to go open up the fridge and just gaze at all the spectacular things that my mouth can have............ I'll probably gain weight just looking at it........... Oh well I'm over it.

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