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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Few Strange Things That Have Happened to Me Since I Began College

My first week of college, there were a lot of dances. The first one i went to was quite the learning experience. At one point during the night I was out in middle of the floor, doing my thing, when I thought to myself "Missi, now would be a really good time to pop, lock, and drop". So I go for it. I learned two things that night.
1) I can drop it like a black lady.
2) Popin, lockin, and droppin in high school is sorta like saying "Yeah, look at me, trying to be a cool". In college it means "Hello boys, here I am, come get me".
Before I knew it I was surrounded by three boys, trying to dirty dance with me. At this young stage of my life, I had no idea how to dirty dance. So what did i do? Well, pretty much I looked like an idiot. Imagine a stick trying to shimmy, thats sorta what I looked like. Seeing the confused, and slightly disappointed looks on the boys faces, I finally just stopped, threw up my arms and said, "I don't know how to dance like that!" They rolled their eyes and turned around to find someone else to dance with. Yeah, it was weird.... Slightly embarrassing.... But very necessary.

I ate breakfast with the UN one morning.
Well, not the real UN, but pretty much I did. I sat down and started eating with this kid I knew from Somalia, then some of his friends sat down, and before I knew it there were twelve different kids sitting at our table, and we were all from different countries. Pretty sweet eh?

I discovered My life is Average. Thats not really strange, but its pretty cool.

Riding TRAX is always an adventure, and I would like to share my second strangest "TRAX" experience with you. I was standing around at Gallivan plaza (SKeT-chY), and I look to my left and see this native american hobo looking guy swaggering up to me (or maybe staggering?). He comes up to me and says/slurs "You look like an athlete." (Wow, can you say happy hour? Seriously, the guy was rank).
"I can tell you're an athlete. You remind me of a Navajo"
"Uhh....." ("Is this really happening?"
"You're a wolf" Then the guy grabs my hand.
"Uhh....." ("Yeah, this is really happening")
"Be strong. Like a wolf. You, you are a warrior. Warriors need to be like a wolf, strong. Be like the wolf, be like a navajo, like a wolf. The navajo are strong, like a wolf. Stay strong. Navajo Pride!"
And then he just walks off like nothin had happened.
"Uhh...." ("Navajo Pride!")

I was walking down the hall of the AFROTC building when I hear "Patterson!" My commander was calling me into his office.
"Yes sir?"
"Come in here! How are you?"
"Outstanding sir, and you?"
"Pretty good, can't complain. So how's life?"
After we talk for about five minutes I ask
"Will that be all sir?"
"Yeah, have a good day."
"You too sir."
Then, as an after thought, he turns and asks me, "Where you off to so quick?"
"The bathroom sir."
(odd pause.....)
"Oh... well... go ahead."
"Thank you sir."
It was awkward.......
I had been carrying on this conversation for five minutes trying not too let the three water bottles worth of liquids sitting in my bladder force me to fidget around.

There are four kids in my Turkish class (can you say "Individual attention/humiliation?"). One day, after the first week of class, I was walking home. Its a night class, so it was pretty dark outside. about five minutes into my walk I hear "Missi!". I turn around and a girl from my Turkish class was walking behind me.
Missi: "Oh, hey Penelope" (names have been changed to protect the innocent)
Penelope: "Hey, sorry, I've been walking behind you the whole time and I didn't want you to think I was a stalker" ("I just thought it was awkward walking behind you since I sorta know you")
M: "Oh, ha ha. Cool" ("Thats weird")
We start to walk together.
P: "So, uhh you live this way?"
M: "Yeah, I've got a little apartment off of 100 S." ("No, I'm just walking out here in freezing temperatures at night for FUN!")
P: "Oh cool, I live off of 200." ("Penelope, this was a terrible idea")
M: "Nice, uh... you got an apartment?" ("Duh, you idiot, really? Of course she has an apartment")
P: "No."
"I'm renting a house with a few other girls."
M: "Well thats cool...."
At this point we have both realized this conversation was a terrible idea and just needs to end.
P: "Yeah........ We're looking for another roommate right now." ("Oh snap I hope she doesn't take that as an invitation, I was just trying to make a conversation!")
M: "Oh...." ("This is the longest walk ever!")
P: "Uh.... This is my turn." ("Hallelujah!")
M: "Okay, see you next class, have a safe walk" ("Run, Missi, run away. Now!")
P: "Yeah see you too." ("Not if I see you first ya weirdie")
Yeah, that was a really awkward first conversation. You know what the worst part is? We have both taken steps to avoid crossing paths again. Because a repeat of this conversation would just be... Bad.....

I was showering one day last week (yeah, thats right, just ONE day) and I looked up to see that my shower caddy was about to fall on me. With cat like reflexes, I reach up to catch the caddy before it falls on me. Unfortunately, my thumb caught on my shower head and was cut open, so blood began to pour out of my hand. Well, this is an strange situation. I'm standing naked, soaking wet, covered in soap, half clean, with blood running out of my thumb. And then my shower caddy falls on me (FML??) I decided that the first thing I needed to do was to stop the bleeding. I turn off the water, and then start to climb out of the shower. Well, I'm soaking wet, I slip and fall back into the shower. Blood continues to pour from my hand. I right myself, and carefully climb out of the shower. Then, soap gets in my eyes, and I reach up to try and dispel the burning sensation. Well, blood is still pouring from my hand, so I get blood all over my face. I finally manage to get the soap out of my eye and wrap myself in my towel. I then decide to go out to the hall closet and grab a band-aid. Yeah, I'm not sure what I thought a band-aid was going to do in this situation..... As soon as I open the hall closet and notice I'm still dripping with water and blood is still pouring from my hand, I realize that a band-aid just isn't going to work. So I go back into the bathroom, and use my towel to stop the blood that is pouring from my hand. It was definitely one of the worst showers of my life, I wasn't even able to finish it. Pretty sure I just went to class that day half covered in soap and still wet. But blood wasn't pouring from my and anymore, so it was all good.

I seriously froze my butt off. That is a strange sensation, freezing your butt off. I went snow caving with a bunch of people this past week, and I was one of the only girls. Well, at about 11:30 at night I had to go to the bathroom. So I trek 200 yards through waist deep snow drifts, behind some pine trees. Well, it was about 9 degrees outside, and I had about three water bottles worth of liquid inside of me. I FROZE. I couldn't feel my butt for an hour after that, and I'm pretty sure I even got some frost bite. It was terrible.

Yeah, so those are some of the strange things that have happened to me these last few months.

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